Studies Show the Perfect Storm
by david
It's always encouraging to see reports showing strong growth in physical to mobile engagement, but what we have seen in the past few months is especially exciting. That's because not one, but
four separate reports have been published recently that together paint a picture of how everything is now growing at the same pace. Below are some of the highlights that show how both Smartphone users and marketers are bringing it all together.
Comscore - June 2012
In Comscore's latest survey from April (published in June), nearly 20% of Smartphone users in America scanned a QR Code, up from 14% in May last year (a 43% increase). More than two-thirds of Americans and Europeans who scan QR codes obtained information about a product, and the most popular source of scanning was product packaging (42%). The most popular location for scanning was at home (57% of scanners).
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Below charts from Economist:
Nielsen - May 2012
Nielsen looked at how Smartphones were used during the actual shopping experience, and they found that people relied most on their devices when more expensive purchases were being considered. At electronics stores for example, the vast majority of Smartphone shoppers read reviews (73%), compare prices with other retail outlets (71%) and scan QR Codes to get more product details (57%).
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Accenture - April 2012
1,000 U.S. consumers were asked whether they interacted with social media symbols while watching TV. Amazingly, 20% engaged with Facebook, and more people scanned a QR Code than searched using a Twitter hashtag. Most did so to get access to a deal or enter a sweepstakes.
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Econsultancy - June, 2012
Part of the reason people are scanning so much is because more and more codes are being published by marketers. In fact, an Econsultancy survey released in June, found that QR Codes are now the most used mobile tactic by marketers. Agencies showed that they are more excited about apps with 54% saying their clients use them - compared to just 35% when the clients are asked.
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